Which of the following can be used as transitional words when giving examples in a paragraph written in order of importance?
A. To begin with
B. Furthermore
C. More importantly
D. The most significantly
What are the two functions that a question serves in a paragraph written in a question-example-conclusion pattern?
Attract readers’ attention
B. Present the topic to be discussed
C. Support the main idea of a paragraph
D. Answer the question raised in the paragraph
隔姜灸的作用是( )
A. 解表散寒、温中止呕
B. 清热解毒
C. 行气活血
D. 扶阳固脱
下列哪一项不是隔盐灸的作用( )
A. 回阳
B. 救逆
C. 固脱
D. 杀虫止痛
A. 法理学通说认为,法的渊源是指法这种社会规范的历史来源
B. “立法中心主义”的法的渊源,是指立法者制定法律所依据的材料;“司法中心主义”的法的渊源,是指法官的裁判依据
C. “法的渊源是指由不同国家机关制定或认可的、具有不同法律效力的法的各种表现形式”,法的渊源的这种定义的外延范围中包括了非正式法源
D. 法的渊源又称“法源”,是法的正式渊源的简称