
Make inferencesRead each situation. Decide whether, according to Bolles, the person is making a mistake or doing the right thing. Circle your answer.Owen is a manager. He doesn’t want to be a manager. But he’s not looking for another job because he thinks he doesn’t know how to doanything else. According to Bolles, Owen is .

A. making a mistake
B. doing the right thing



A. 高血压性心脏病
B. 稳定性心绞痛
C. 不稳定性心绞痛
D. 变异性心绞痛
E. 急性心肌梗死

Amy studied to be a teacher. But now she’s not looking for work as a teacher. Instead, she’s thinking about whether teaching is really the right career for her. According to Bolles, Amy is .________

A. making a mistake
B. doing the right thing


A. 由A组乙型溶血性链球菌直接感染引起
B. 由流感病毒直接感染引起
C. 对青霉素过敏所致
D. 与流感病毒感染有关
E. 与A组乙型溶血性链球菌感染有关


A. 抗原抗体交叉免疫反应
B. 心脏继发病毒感染
C. 心脏细胞免疫
D. 关节交叉感染
E. 肾脏损伤
