The main basis for the division of monetary aggregates hierarchy in various countries is()
A. Liquidity of financial assets
B. Importance of financial assets
C. Value of financial assets
D. Types of financial assets
Financial aggregate refers to the total scale of the entire financial system. What are the statistical indicators for measuring financial aggregate()
A. Total currency
B. Total credit
C. Total securities
D. Total insurance
The functions of the financial market mainly include()
A. Meeting investment and financing needs
B. Resource allocation
C. Information concentration and management
D. Price discovery
E. Risk management
The dollar is pegged to gold, and other countries’ money are pegged to the dollar()
A. Bretton Woods System
B. International gold standard
C. Jamaica System
D. International Bullion Standard
Which of the following does government credit include()
A. Issuing government bonds in the international financial market
Borrowing from another country
C. Issuing Government bond
D. Increase taxes
E. Issuing shares