
葡萄糖在小肠内吸收的主要方式是( )

A. 单纯扩散
B. 由载体参与的易化扩散
C. 由通道参与的易化扩散
D. 继发性主动转运
E. 入胞


女性,32岁,体形较胖,有胆囊炎病史,患者夜间右上腹持续性疼痛、阵发性加剧,向右肩背放射;胆囊区腹肌紧张、明显压痛、反跳痛。患者进晚餐时吃了如下食物,考虑是何种食物引起腹痛( )

A. 水果
B. 蔬菜
C. 米饭
D. 馒头
E. 油煎鸡蛋

—Good morning, Mr. Lee’s office.—Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment _________ next Wednesday afternoon.

A. for
B. on
C. in
D. at

Bob thought he couldn't go to the party because he had to write a report, but he went ___________.

A. at first
B. after all
C. above all
D. at random

Many people who live along the coast make a living _______ fishing industry.

A. at
B. in
C. on
D. by
