
Simple chronic bronchitis is a syndrome characterized primarily by ______

A. a chronic productive cough
B. an enlarged alveolus
C. edematous pulmonary vein
D. obstructive bronchial tube


Which one of the diseases is also called “small airways disease"?

A. asthma
B. bronchospasm
C. chronic obstructive bronchitis
D. respiratory distress syndrome

Recurrent episodes of symptomatic bronchospasm are called____

A. pleurisy
B. asthma
C. pneumothorax
D. asthmatic bronchitis

1.1997年,苏格兰一组科学家的克隆实验使多利羊得以诞生。自那时以来,有关克隆人的激烈争论一直进行着。Dolly the sheep_____1_____acloningexperiment by a group of Scottish scientists in 1997. A fierce debate on human_____2_____has ever since been going on.contentiousclonepotentialresult fromin placeprocedureinvolveoppose totherapeuticreproductive

2. 这一有争议的问题的焦点聚集在此项技术的伦理与社会含义上:此项技术会对人类生育、抚养孩子以及人的个性(individuality)等的真正意义带来什么影响。This______3____issue has focused onethical and social implications of the technology: what the technology might do to the very meaning of human_____4_____, child rearing, individuality,et cetera.contentiousclonepotentialresult fromin placeprocedureinvolveoppose totherapeuticreproductive
