
Hester Co has recently upgraded its computer system to enable greater automation of transaction processing. The new system has integrated the sales, inventory and purchasing systems, resulting in minimal manual entry.Sales orders are entered into the system manually. The inventory system is automatically upgrated to refelct that inventory has been allocated to an order. The system will flag if there is insufficient inventory to fulfil the order. The inventory system is linked to the purchasing system so that when inventory falls to a minimum level a purchase order is automatically created and sent to the purchasing manager for authorisation. Once the manager clicks 'authorised' the order is automatically sent electronically to the approved supplier for that item. The system is backed up daily to ensure minimal loss of data in the event of a system failure.Match the following controls identified in Hester Co's systems are general or application controls.



A. 订立合同的各项步骤
B. 合同订立后是否存在档案以及是否可以查阅
C. 服务供应商设立的地址
D. 修正人为错误的方法


A. 订立合同的各项步骤
B. 合同订立后是否存档备案以及是否可以查阅
C. 服务供应商设立的地址
D. 修正人为错误的方法


A. 信件
B. 电报
C. 电子邮件
D. 电子数据交换


A. 合同是一种法律行为
B. 合同是双方或者多方的民事法律行为
C. 合同是当事人在平等互利的基础上的民事法律行为
D. 合同的主体必须应有民事行为能力
E. 合同的客体可以是任何物
