
Legislative courts are created by Congress, pursuant to one of its legislative powers. Article I empowers Congress to make all laws “... for organizing, arming and __________ the Militia”.(3.3)

A. training
B. recruiting
C. transferring
D. disciplining


Under that authority, Congress may establish __________ for the purpose of disciplining soldiers.(3.3)

A. maritime tribunals
B. exchequer tribunals
C. military tribunals
D. international tribunals

Two major distinctions generally __________ legislative courts from constitutional courts.(3.3)

A. differ
B. differentiate
C. distinguish
D. different

The length of the term __________ by Congress is often a long one in order to ensure judicial independence.(3.3)

A. destroyed
B. destructed
C. denied
D. designated

In conclusion, the federal court system is __________of course created by Congress under either Article I or Article III powers.(3.3)

A. composed
B. consisted
C. comprised
D. complied
