A. 酚妥拉明
B. 酚苄明
C. 哌唑嗪
D. 妥拉唑啉
E. 特拉唑嗪
A. 普萘洛尔
B. 吲哚洛尔
C. 拉贝洛尔
D. 美托洛尔
E. 噻吗洛尔
A. 减少房水生成
B. 降低眼压
C. 有缩瞳作用
D. 治疗青光眼
E. 阻断β受体的作用
Approximately how many times do you breathe in every day?
A. 2,000
B. 7,000
C. 12,000
D. 17,000
What is the process called that uses oxygen and results in the production of the ATP we use as energy?
Anaerobic respiration
B. Ventilation
C. Aerobic respiration
D. Circulation