
关于品质因数,下面说法正确的有 。

A. 串联谐振的品质因数为电感电压的有效值除以电阻电压的有效值。
B. 并联谐振的品质因数为电感电流的有效值除以电阻电流的有效值。
C. 品质因数越大,串联RLC电路的电流随频率的增加下降越快。
D. 品质因数越大越好。
E. 品质因数越大,并联RLC电路的电压随频率的减小下降越快。


23. In Tim Black's company, which people usually get relocated abroad?

A. those who have previous experience of working abroad
B. those who have specific skills to offer
C. those who are more senior

24. What reason does Tim give for companies sending fewer employees abroad?

A. There aren't enough suitable candidates.
B. Companies are less willing to fund it.
C. Working abroad is no longer seen as leading to promotion.

25. According to Tim, what is the current trend amongst British workers?

A. Commuting long distances is less common.
B. Working in London is their first choice.
C. Living in the countryside has grown in popularity.

26. What financial advice does Tim give employees thinking of relocating abroad?

A. Buy extra health insurance.
B. Ensure that pension fund payments will still be made.
C. Ask your company to rent out your house.
