Raising the investment sums which will be required __________ global financial security will create severe political and economic stress.
A. in the claim of
B. in the name of
C. in the charge of
D. in the face of
The government is pressing for an early __________ of the dispute.
A. resolve
B. resolution
C. determination
D. decision
The __________ distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend.
A. everlasting
B. eternal
C. infinite
D. definite
The governments acted in unison to __________ terrorism.
A. contest
B. contact
C. conflict
D. combat
甲从外国低价购得一项未获得当地政府批准销售的专利产品“近视治疗仪”。甲将产品和技术资料提交给我国X市卫生局指定的产品检验机构。该机构未作任何检验,按照甲书写的文稿出具了该产品检验合格报告。随后,该市退休医师协会的秘书长乙又以该协会的名义出具了该产品质量保证书。该产品投入市场后,连续造成多起青少年因使用该产品致眼睛严重受损事件。现除要求追究甲的刑事责任外,受害者还可以采用哪些民事补救办法?( )
A. 要求甲承担损害赔偿责任
B. 要求该卫生局承担连带赔偿责任
C. 要求该检验机构承担连带赔偿责任
D. 要求该退休医师协会承担连带责任