A. 适合做血小板功能试验
B. 对红、白细胞形态的影响很小
C. 血小板计数影响较大
D. ICSH建议,血细胞计数用EDTA-Na₂做抗凝剂
E. 适合凝血象检查
A. 容器不清洁
B. 强力振荡
C. 接触水
D. 操作不慎
E. 入过量的抗凝剂
A. 红细胞计数
B. 白细胞计数
C. 血红蛋白测定
D. 血小板计数
E. 血型鉴定
What is the best way to learn a new language? A small study of ___________ learning in adults compared two methods. One is known as the explicit or classroom method. This is the kind of ____________ classroom teaching where students are taught a lot of information about _______________.