中国共产党思想路线的核心是( )
A. 实事求是
B. 群众路线
C. 统一战线
D. 理论联系实际
为什么要实现理论创新和实践创新的良性互动( )
A. 实践创新为理论创新提供不竭的动力源泉,理论创新为实践创新提供科学的行动指南
B. 实践创新提供新理论,理论创新提供新经验
C. 实践创新增加新的实践形式,理论创新丰富理论内容
D. 实践创新利于行,理论创新利于知
Sharpening the axe will not ________ the cutting of firewood.
A. contrast with
B. interfere with
C. take a toll on
D. cut back on
Love is mutual, which needs to pay, also wants to harvest. We, as parents, please do not _______________blindly paying for our children.
A. drop out
B. contribute to
C. be accustomed to
D. hold on to