患者,女,41岁。在数天劳累后,逐渐出现 心悸、胸闷、怕热多汗,多食消瘦,腹泻,每天大便4~6次。甲状腺Ⅱ度肿大,双目炯炯有神。可明确诊断甲状腺功能亢进症的 检查是( )
A. 甲状腺摄碘率
B. FT3、T4
C. T3、T4
D. T3抑制试验
E. TRH兴奋试验
My mother and I went on a to Thailand to see my brother who is studying there.
A. journey
B. travel
C. way
D. trip
I like by bus rather than by underground.
A. journeying
B. traveling
C. trip
D. travel
My________ to school takes 25 minutes.
A. journey
B. travel
C. trip
D. path
To get to the next town, you need to_______ the No. 19 bus.
A. take
B. board
C. go
D. drive