2岁,男性,体温39℃时突发惊厥,缓解后神志迅速恢复,精神状态良好,无神经系统病理性体征,最可能的诊断是( )
A. 化脓性脑膜炎
B. 热性惊厥
C. 病毒性脑炎
D. 结核性脑膜炎
在热性惊厥患儿的如下临床表现中,提示复杂型热性惊厥可能性最大的是( )
A. 发作形式为部分性
B. 惊厥发生时年龄小于3岁
C. 惊厥发生后无神经系统病理性体征
D. 每次惊厥持续时间小于5分钟
Much of the city was ___________ before the storm but thousands remained, many of whom were trapped by the water for days.
A. evacuated
B. Inflicted
C. summoned
D. diluted
Located in the heart of the city, the Dogs' Home is open seven days a week, 365 days a year to receive ___________ dogs.
A. gigantic
B. stray
C. naive
D. pervasive