大地股份公司2×12年2月份发生下列业务:(1)购入不需要安装的生产用设备一台,买价600 000元,增值税78 000元,保险费500元,包装及运杂费1 300元,全部价款使用银行存款支付,设备购回即投入使用。(2)购入需要安装的生产用设备一台,买价和税金共计904 000元,增值税税率为13%,包装及运杂费为1 500元,全部款项通过银行存款支付,设备购回即投入安装。(3)上述设备安装过程中,领用甲材料2 000元(不考虑增值税),用库存现金支付安装费1 000元。(4)上述设备安装完毕,达到预定可使用状态,并经验收合格交付使用。结转工程成本。要求:根据上述经济业务编制会计分录。
(1)公司购入甲材料3 500千克,单价8元/千克,增值税进项税额3640元,款项未付。(2)用银行存款1 750元支付上述甲材料的运杂费。(3)购入乙材料120吨,单价420元/吨,进项税额6552元,款项均通过银行付清。(4)公司购进甲材料1 800千克,含税单价9.04元/千克,丙材料1500千克,含税单价5.65元/千克,增值税税率为13%,款项均已通过银行付清,另外供应单位代垫运费3 300元(按重量分配)。(5)用银行存款10 000元预付订购材料款。(6)以前已预付款的定材料本月到货,价款72 000元,增值税进项税额为9360元。(7)本月购入的甲、乙、丙、丁材料均已验收入库,结转其成本。要求:编制本月业务的会计分录。
Summary of Text A Heroes among usWho is a hero these days? In the past, the word hero was reserved for those who have performed 1) _________ courage to help beyond the call of duty. An excellent example of such a hero may be found in a soldier who runs through gunfire to save his military2) _________ from death or in a larger-than-life leader like Nelson Mandela who, after 27-year imprisonment, still believed deeply in his commitment to the 3) _________ and reconciliation in his country.Today, the same word hero has become more common and is applied to both the 4) ________ and 5) __________of various difficulties and tragedies. Average 6) ________ become heroes for having acted instinctively beyond the call of duty with courage and 7) ________ in extraordinary circumstances. First responders, like firefighters and police officers, are also counted as heroes despite that they are 8) _________their duty. We recognize them not because of what they make happen but because of their remarkable spirit and love of 9) __________ to rush toward danger to help.Inspired by heroes, we should not only honor them, but strive to change the 10) ____________ that may cause their loss. And more importantly, we should take a leaf out of their book when circumstances call on us.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 大量传统的私人谈话的内容,通过广播电视传播扩展到公共的谈话领域,是广播电视谈话节目的首要特征。
B. 在谈话节目中,无论广播还是电视,很的程度上都离不开受众深入参与。谈话节目的品质高度依赖谈话参与者的表现。
C. 谈话的过程具有一定的自发性和高度的不确定性。
D. 在谈话节目中,节目主持人具有多重角色身份,主持人既是提问者,也是谈话的倾听者和参与者,有时还是解决谈话所涉及问题的专家。