The president has already given his to the plan.
Shefor her work in promoting friendship between the two countries.
在分光光度法中,宜选用的吸光度读数范围为 ( )
A. 0-100
B. 0-1
C. 0.2-0.8
D. 0-∞
紫外-可见分光光度法的合适的检测波长范围是 ( )
A. 400-780 nm
B. 200-400 nm
C. 200-780 nm
D. 10-200 nm
透明有色溶液被稀释时,其最大吸收峰的波长位置将 ( )
A. 向长波方向移动
B. 不移动,但峰高值降低
C. 向短波方向移动
D. 不移动,但峰高值升高