
某企业购入旧设备一台,实际支付价款10000元,增值税1300元,支付运杂费500元,安装费600元。则该设备入账的原值为( )元

A. 11000
B. 11100
C. 12400
D. 10000



A. 150
B. 180
C. 130
D. 125


A. 预付账款
B. 应付账款
C. 固定资产
D. 在建工程


A. 固定资产
B. 财务费用
C. 管理费用
D. 在建工程

Short ConversationsYou're going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1.[音频]a. Watching TV.b. Studying English.c. Doing a Chinese test.d. Reviewing his Chinese lessons.2.[音频]a. Write a history paper for the woman.b. Help the woman with her history lesson.c. Help the woman finish her history paper.d. Tell the woman how to write a history paper quickly.3.[音频]a. The English Department.b. The French Department.c. The German Department.d. The school library.4.[音频]a. After his class is over.b. After four o'clock today.c. In a few minutes.d. Sometime after four tomorrow afternoon.5.[音频]a. His mother forgot to wake him up.b. He doesn’t have a clock to wake him up.c. He sleeps too late.d. He sleeps too much.
