Although Kodak anticipated the inevitable rise of digital photography, its _______ culture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future.
A. hook
B. coporate
C. sympathy
D. screen
I also go to elementary schools for the deaf and talk to the students about _________ and believing in themselves.
A. screen
B. motivation
C. infection
D. software
Her answer so surprised me that I decided to ask some of the other developers who were also parents what their domestic ground rules for _______ time were.
A. infection
B. screen
C. hook
D. folk
Many farmers will then ________ you off their land quite agressively.
A. chase
B. tutor
C. hook
D. predict
For a month in the spring of 1987, my wife Ellen and I lived in the city of Nanjing with our son Benjamin while studying arts education in Chinese ______ schools.
A. motivation
B. software
C. challenge
D. elementary