In which of the following scenarios would the "show cdp neighbors detail"command be an appropriate troubleshooting tool?()
A. Two switches are connected via a trunk. Both switches have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. A ping is successful between the two switches. However, VLAN information is not passed from one switch to the other switch.
B. A router and a switch have been assigned an IP address, a subnet mask, and a default gateway. They are directly connected, but a ping between the two devices fails.
C. A router connects to another router through a serial interface. Both routers have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. The routers are running RIP and the networks directly connected to the first router do not pass to the second router. However, a ping from one router to the serial interface of the directly connected neighboring router is successful.
D. A router connects to another router via a switch. Both routers and the switch have been assigned an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Neither the routers nor the switch are able to ping one of the hosts that is directly to the switch.
A. 旅客已事先向承运人声明
B. 旅客和承运人均同意为安全的目的由承运人保管,并已交给承运人保管
C. 承运人同意保管该贵重物品
D. 签发提单,并装于货舱内
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 食品经营许可有效期届满未申请延续的
B. 食品经营者主体资格依法终止的
C. 食品经营许可依法被撤回、撤销或者食品经营许可证依法被吊销的
D. 因不可抗力导致食品经营许可事项无法实施的
A. 先按真正注销程序办理,再作"代扣代缴代征代售单位登记"即可
B. 在注销税务登记时,点中选择"转为纯代扣代缴义务人",然后再进行注销操作
C. 可不予注销,税种鉴定仅保留个人所得税税种鉴定,其余删除;
D. 先按真正注销程序办理,再作"个人所得税扣缴登记"即可