A. 里面
B. 外面
C. 上面
D. 下面
You are the desktop administrator for your company. You install Windows XP Professional on your portable computer. The computer is configured to use an IEEE 1394 PC card. You use the computer to download pictures from a digital camera while you are at the office. You attend a meeting every Monday. During the meeting you use a battery to supply power to your portable computer. Occasionally, the battery runs out of power during these meetings. You need to configure the computer to conserve battery power while you attend your weekly meeting without affecting your power options when you use the computer at your office. How should you configure your computer?()
A. Use Device Manager to disable the IEEE 1394 PC card power device.
B. In Control Panel, select the Minimal Power Management power scheme in the Power Options Properties.
Create an additional hardware profile, and disable the IEEE 1394 PC card for this profile.
D. Use Device Manager to configure the IEEE 1394 PC card Host Controller power management scheme. Select the Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby check box.
A. 无机化合物
B. 有机化合物
C. 络合物
D. 纯净物质
甲公司2017~2018年发生如下与股票投资有关的业务(企业将购入的股票作为交易性金融资产管理和核算): (1)2017年4月1日,用银行存款购入A公司股票8000股,每股买入价为18元,其中0.5元为已宣告但尚未分派的现金股利。另支付相关税费720元。 (2)2017年4月18日,收到A公司分派的现金股利。 (3)2017年12月31日,该股票的每股市价下跌至16元。 (4)2018年2月3日,出售持有的A公司股票6000股,实得价款104000元.应交转让金融商品增值税税率为6%。 (5)2018年4月15日,A公司宣告分派现金股利,每股派发0.1元。2018年4月30日,收到派发的现金股利。 (6)2018年12月31日,A公司的股票市价为17元。2017年4月1日,购入A公司股票“交易性金融资产”科目的入账金额为()元。
A. 144720
B. 140000
C. 144000
D. 140720