

A. 27.5kV
B. 20kV
C. 29kV
D. 25kV


护理此患儿要注意保证液体入量原因是根据下列选项,回答下面的题目:患儿,男,2岁,自幼全身皮肤黏膜青紫,发热、咳嗽2天,今晨哭闹后突然出现抽搐人院。体温37.8℃,咽充血,心前区隆起,胸骨左缘闻及心杂音,双肺无干湿哆音,指(趾)端发绀明显,胸部X线检查,肺段凹陷,肺心血影缩小,肺野透亮度增加,呈网状肺纹理“靴形心”。 该患儿可能患的先天性心脏病是

A. 避免发生休克
B. 避免发生便秘
C. 避免发生血栓栓塞
D. 避免发生心力衰竭
E. 避免发生肾衰竭

MMS may violate people’s privacy because——.根据下列材料,回答下面的题目 SMS(Short Message Service)gradually becomes the main service for cell phone users for its great charming.In addition,me development of mobile communications technology and service has created favorable condition for SMS.For example,MMS,multi—media messaging service,is a new type of message service on the basis of SMS.It allows transmission of multi.media messages between cell phone and computer,as well as between cell phones.Communication with SMS is quite convenient.You can write a message after carefully thinking what you want to say with many words without worrying about money.Actually,SMS enjoys the absolute majority utilization flmong mobile service.In China,the number of short message transmitted is 2。200 billion in 2003. People,however,feel angry and anxious sometimes while enjoying SMS.More and more rubbish short messages that contain such content as erotic,gamblin9,or advertising are sent to cell phone users,which seriously violated the user’s privacy.Because the sender of these rubbish short messages do not take into account whether people need them or not,and do not get tIle permission from users to transmit these rubbish short messages to them. As we know,everyone has tlle right to communication freely with other people.and the right to refuse communication with people they don’t like to.But these rights were not guaranteed in SMS.Users do not receive rubbish short messages on a voluntary basis.If you fell angry and disgusted with some rubbish message to your cell phone,and do not want to see it again,that means such message is in contradiction with your wish,and violates your privacy.MMS also promote the transmission of unhealthy information on the Internet from computer to cell phone,which must extend the scope and influence of rubbish short message. The rapid development of mobile communications may suffer a lot if there is no change inthe way of transmittingSMSMore and more users of cell phone ale disturbed by rubbish short messages,and their privacy is violated by mobile communications service,which is also not a benefit for the development of mobile communications service. ——has created a good condition for SMS.

A. SMS doesn’t take measures t‘o forbidden it
B. SMS doesn’t,guarantee people’s privacy
C. it makes rubbish short messages transmission easier
D. it,extends the scope and influence of rubbish short message



A. 遗传因素
B. 孕母早期遭受病毒感染
C. 孕母早期接受过量的放射线
D. 孕母早期接受过量的药物
E. 孕母患有糖尿病
