
Which of the following best explains why a type 3 filter was selected for experiments 2

A. The frequency response varied more widely when filter type 3 was used than when either Filter type 1 or Filter type 2 was used.
B. Filter type 3 contains a ground and was therefore the safest of the three types of filters to experiment with.
C. Filter type 3 is the only one among the three that contains an inductor.
D. Input voltage could be more easily regulated using a type 3 filter than using either a type 1 or type 2 filter.



A. 不能处理时间变异的非正态分布
B. 模拟所需的样本数较小
C. 需要繁杂的电脑技术和大量的复杂抽样
D. 不涵盖非线性资金头寸的价格风险


A. 经济学
B. 统计学
C. 财务会计和财务报表分析
D. 金融衍生工具定价和分析


A. 20世纪60年代
B. 20世纪70年代
C. 20世纪80年代
D. 20世纪90年代

衡量借款人长期偿债能力的指标是 ()

A. 资产负债比率
B. 流动比率
C. 速动比率
D. 现金比率
