
Consignee information, if shown, must not be inconsistent with the consignee information in the tranConsignee information, if shown, must not be inconsistent with the consignee information in the transport document. However,if a credit requires a transport document to be issued“to order”,“to the order of shipper”,“to the order of the issuing bank”, or“consigned to the issuing bank”, the certificate of origin may show the applicant of the credit,or another party named therein, as consignee. If a credit has been transferred,the name of the first beneficiary as consignee would also be acceptable.


Consignee information,if shown,must not be inconsistent with the consignee information inConsignee information,if shown,must not be inconsistent with the consignee information in the transport document.However,if a credit requires a transport document to be issued“to order”.“to the order of shipper”,“to the order of the issuing bank”,or“consigned to the issuing bank”,the certificate of origin may show the applicant of the credit,or another party named therein,as consignee.If a credit has been transferred,the name of the first beneficiary as consignee would also be acceptable.

案例分析报告: 成果以 PPT 加配音制作视频 形式提交 ,视频时间 5~8 分钟 。文件大小50M即可,MP4\MOV\AVI格式都可以。 每 人 选择 一个图书馆或者公共建筑()22:00 注意:大家分析的案例尽量不要重复,同一案例最多两人进行分析,且分析内容要不一样

题目:滤镜的操作及应用 实例操作: 1、了解滤镜概念、类型、作用、滤镜菜单及滤镜基本命令的操作; 2、熟悉 风格化,抽出,液化,画笔描边,扭曲,素描,纹理,像素化,渲染、艺术效果等 14个滤镜组基本命令及其制作出的特色效果; 3、利用图层、通道等和滤镜结合,至少运用一种方法制作西瓜、云彩、闪电、香烟、水波、球面字、条形码、油漆字、玻璃字、太空星体、爆炸、咖啡巧克力等等效果。 要求: 1、讲解示范的案例中,自主选择不少于3张以上效果图片; 2、具体图片/图像不做要求(); 3、 A4大小,72像素,RGB模式; 4、拍清晰照片上传学习通

