
Home Few words in the English language have such a special meaning. Home is a place where you can relax, kick back and just be yourself. Just about everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home. And for most people in America, home should be, above all, comfortable. Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes. Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house and making it more "livable." They often try to create a cozy atmosphere so that when they’re at home, they’ll really feel "at home." Sofas and lounge chairs may be heavily padded and arranged in groupings conducive (有益于) to relaxed conversation. The bathroom even receives special attention. Carpeted floors, scented soaps, colorful wallpaper and decorative curtains adorn the "comfort room" in many homes. And on average, Americans have more bathrooms than any other people in the world. Americans try to make the most of their space, too. The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves, and people spare no, pains to add dressers, filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space. Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it’s a battle worth fighting. People in America keep an eye on the latest trends in interior design. In the 80s, the "country" look dominated the home deconring scene. Rustic furniture and shelves full of old-fashioned knick-knacks created a homey atmosphere reminiscent of rural America several generations back. The 90s have brought in another longing for the past: the retro (怀旧的) 50s and 60s look--plain and simple furniture with square backs and arms and block legs. With all this attention to their homes, you would think Americans place a high premium on housekeeping. In that, however, keeping house doesn’t receive as much attention as it used to. Why The fast-paced lifestyles of the 90s allow little spare time for dusting, vacuuming and scrubbing the tub. Ironically, however, even though more and more women work outside the home, women still do twice as much housework as men. Modem conveniences like the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, and the dishwasher have taken some of the drudgery (苦差事) out of household chores. But in general, Americans these days take their cue from books like How to Avoid Housework. According to the passage, Americans’ homes usually can reflect ______.


Home Few words in the English language have such a special meaning. Home is a place where you can relax, kick back and just be yourself. Just about everyone has a strong opinion of what makes a house a home. And for most people in America, home should be, above all, comfortable. Americans like their homes to reflect their personal tastes. Many do-it-yourselfers enjoy fixing up their house and making it more "livable." They often try to create a cozy atmosphere so that when they’re at home, they’ll really feel "at home." Sofas and lounge chairs may be heavily padded and arranged in groupings conducive (有益于) to relaxed conversation. The bathroom even receives special attention. Carpeted floors, scented soaps, colorful wallpaper and decorative curtains adorn the "comfort room" in many homes. And on average, Americans have more bathrooms than any other people in the world. Americans try to make the most of their space, too. The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves, and people spare no, pains to add dressers, filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space. Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it’s a battle worth fighting. People in America keep an eye on the latest trends in interior design. In the 80s, the "country" look dominated the home deconring scene. Rustic furniture and shelves full of old-fashioned knick-knacks created a homey atmosphere reminiscent of rural America several generations back. The 90s have brought in another longing for the past: the retro (怀旧的) 50s and 60s look--plain and simple furniture with square backs and arms and block legs. With all this attention to their homes, you would think Americans place a high premium on housekeeping. In that, however, keeping house doesn’t receive as much attention as it used to. Why The fast-paced lifestyles of the 90s allow little spare time for dusting, vacuuming and scrubbing the tub. Ironically, however, even though more and more women work outside the home, women still do twice as much housework as men. Modem conveniences like the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, and the dishwasher have taken some of the drudgery (苦差事) out of household chores. But in general, Americans these days take their cue from books like How to Avoid Housework. Which word in the first paragraph describes the ideal home for most Americans

Dolphins have the power to make people feel better just by their presence, according to a leading marine biologist. "I cannot explain it in scientific terms but, without any doubt, everyone who sees them in the wild is lifted by them," Jonathan Gordon, of Oxford University zoology department, said. "You only ever see them in the wild if they want you to see them. They are the only wild animal that comes to man of their own free will and that makes you feel privileged. You get a buzz because they are joyful, and you can prove scientifically that they spend a lot of their life playing. ’ Professor Gordon works for the International Fund for Animal Welfare and spends months on, the organization’s research boat. "If things aren’t going well on the boat and you are depressed, the sight of dolphins lifts you and makes you feel better at once. They cannot be doing this on purpose, but I can believe that people who are intensely depressed or suffering from some kind of mental blockage could be eased by swimming among them. " "I cannot go along with those who claim they have magical powers but even though I am scientifically hardheaded I have to admit they somehow make you feel good." That view is shared by the authors of Beyond the Blue, a book on the healing power of dolphins. The authors say that when the mind is calm it triggers the release of a chemical also found in the anti-depressant drug Valium. Jenny Sheridan, of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, said: "Swimming with dolphins will not repair any brain damage. But if the child is suffering from lack of confidence it might help." Mark Simmonds of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, said: "The interaction of dolphin with sick children can be instrumental in recovery. No one can explain why. But the behavior of these beautiful animals induces awe and pleasure in children.\ The most magical power of dolphins lies in their help in relieving people’s ______ problems.

A) physical
B) behavior
C) emotional
D) mental

阅读下面的语段 美丽的圣湖,静若处子,隐身在喜马拉雅山北麓群山之中。湖水碧如翡翠,依山而走,似舞动的农袂,______,一眼不可穷尽。若想kuī其全貌,环湖一周有250千米之遥。 从空中俯(kàn)圣湖,漫溢的湖水,酷似一束______的珊瑚。 给语段中的两处拼音写上汉字。 ①kuī其全貌( ) ②俯kàn( )

How does the woman think of collecting umbrellas as a hobby

A) Expensive.
B) Unusual.
C) Interesting.
D) Relaxing.
