
某羊群部分羊只临床表现:剧痒,局部皮肤发炎、擦伤、形成水疱或结节、结痂、脱毛,日渐消瘦,衰竭或继发感染。 根据症状,可能的疾病是( )。

A. 螨病
B. 羊狂蝇病
C. 虱病
D. 瘙病
E. 蜱


The cohesiveness(内聚力)of a family seems to rely on members sharing certain routine practices and events. For a growing share of the American labor force, however, working shifts beyond the normal daylight hours―what we here call "shiftwork" ― makes the lives of families difficult. Existing research shows that both male and female shiftworkers express high levels of stress and a sense of conflict between the demands of work and family life. But shiftwork couples still maintain a traditional attitude about the meaning of marriage and the individual roles of husband and wife. They expressed a willingness to do" whatever it takes" to approximate their view of a proper marriage, including sacrificing sleep and doing conventional things at unconventional hours. For the majority of couples interviewed ― even when wives worked outside their homes a proper marriage is characterized by a very clear division of roles: husbands are "providers" whose major responsibility is to support the family; wives are "homemakers" who clean, cook, and care for husbands and children. As couples encountered shiftwork schedules, however, initial expectations about what it would take to create a marriage and family were put to test. One woman expressed her dreams about what marriage was supposed to be: "It would make me feel like I had more of a home atmosphere, you know. That’’ s the way I always expected being married having the husband go off, come in the evenings and spend the rest as the evenings together, you know that’’s the way we thought it would be. It doesn’’t work out that way. The women’’s definitions of a "good husband" are typified by the following wife’’s response: I him to be a good provider, and be there when I need him, loyal about the same things as he would expect out of me, expect that I expect him to dominate over me. But in a manner of speaking when it’’s time to be a man I expect him to stand up instead of sitting back expecting me to do everything. To husbands, a good wife was someone who was. Understanding of what I feel go through at work. I need that respect at work, I hope I get it at work. I want my wife to realize what I expect at work. I don’’t want her to give me a lot of shit when I come home from work because ― I don’’t know if this makes much sense. These views seemed critical to maintain the families of the shiftworkers. The best title for this paragraph is______.

A. Constructing Family Life
B. Managing Time and Activities
C. The Meaning of Marriage
D. Living a Normal Life

How much is the shirt

A. £155.
B. £150.
C. £170.
D. £175.

How much is the shirt

A. In his fifties.
B. In his sixties.
C. Seventy.
D. Seventy-five.

定义char ch="$";int i=1,j;执行j=!ch&&i++以后,i的值为______。
