
奎尼丁属于( )

A. 强心苷类
B. Ⅰa类钠离子通道阻滞剂,抗心律失常药
C. 硝酸酯类抗心绞痛药
D. 促进胆固醇的排泄,降血脂药
E. 作用于中枢神经系统的抗高血压药


属于二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂类降血压药是( )

A. 氨力农
B. 乙酰唑胺
C. 呋塞米
D. 氨氯地平
E. 螺内酯

To apply for a tourist visa of European Schengen countries, the amount of short-term insurance should not be less than ________ million RMB.(办理欧洲申根国家旅游签证,需要购买的短期保险金额不得低于________ 万元人民币。)

A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 50

翻译句子我现在还拉肚子。I also have __________.

A. the runs
B. the fever
C. the cough
D. the pain

To apply for a medical claim, you need to provide ______________ to the insurance company.(申请医疗理赔,需要向保险公司提供______________ 。

A. medical certification
B. receipt
C. air ticket
