
he has finished the preliminary and intermediate course in computer science. Now he is moving toward ________ level.

A. basic
B. advanced
C. excellent
D. unknown


all the students believe that the teacher is right. but he also _______ that the teacher made a mistake.

A. ridiculous
B. promise
C. bet
D. maintain

China has ________ several satellites into the space.

A. applied
B. misled
C. created
D. launched

1、下面不是EL表达式的特点的是( )。

A. 访问JavaBean属性
B. 被所有浏览器支持
C. 访问JSP作用域
D. 可直接进行运算

2、下面有关EL中“.”和“[]”两种存取运算符的说法不正确的是( )。

A. 两者在某些情况下是等效的
B. “[]”运算符主要用来访问数组、列表或其他集合
C. 如果要动态取值,两者都可以实现
D. 当要存取的属性名称中包含一些特殊字符时,例如,或?等并非字母或数字的符号,就一定要使用“[]”
