有篇通报第一部分概述了5月份税收收入完成和增长的情况,第二部份具体分析了收入增长的原因,并提出了下一步确保实现收入目标的具体要求和工作措施。这篇通报是( )
A. 表彰性通报
B. 批评性通报
C. 情况通报
D. 报告性通报
某单位发生了一起重大安全事故,上级领导机关了解情况后,决定作出处理并警示有关单位。下列文种中,上级机关可以为此使用的是( )
A. 通知
B. 通报
C. 报告
D. 函
下列事项中应该用通报行文的是( )
A. 上海市财政局就会计从业资格考试问题向有关单位告知需周知和执行的事项
B. 上海市国税局拟转发《国家税务总局关于扩展出口退税率文库有关商品编码的通知》
C. 上海市人民政府拟发文表彰上海市残疾人体育训练中心等2家单位16名运动员、8名教练员、2名领队
D. 上海市食品药品监管局要求本市各药品生产企业进一步加强药品生产质量管理事宜
Well the Joneses bought a new house, we did tooThen _______1_______ , so we bought one too'Cause we had to keep up with the JonesesIt was _________________2_________________________.Then the Joneses started going out on the townAnd that's when the Joneses started ______3_______But we had to keep up with the JonesesSo we started making the roundsThen suddenly, it happened, their love fell apartNow the Joneses aren't ____________4_________________And we couldn't let the Joneses ___________5___________So now we're not us anymoreNow the Joneses are getting ready for the trialGuess we'll follow them in single file'Cause we've got to keep up with the JonesesDon't you wish that _____________6_______________Yes we had to keep up with the JonesesOh don't you wish that the Joneses would cry