你不得不感叹英语语言的疯狂特性。Still, you have to————the unique lunacy of the English language
大多数美国人认为好的家常菜完胜饭店的饭菜。Most Americans agree that good home cooking———————.
我和我的大学同学有种疏离感,因为他们只了解作为大学生的我。I —————— my college friends because they only knew the college me.
有时候你会觉得,所有说英语的人都应该因为语言上的癫疯表现被送进精神病院。Sometimes you have to believe that all English speakers —————— an asylum for the verbally insane.
缺乏文化知识使我们在国外经常陷入麻烦。Lacking cultural knowledge often ______________ when we’re in a foreign country.