
将下列段落翻译成汉语:Instrument approaches are generally designed such that a pilot of an aircraft in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), by the means of radio, GPS or INS navigation with no assistance from air traffic control, can navigate to the airport, hold in the vicinity of the airport if required, then fly to a position from where he or she can obtain sufficient visual reference of the runway for a safe landing to be made, or execute a missed approach if the visibility is below the minimums required to execute a safe landing.


用规范法计算地基最终沉降量时,采用的变形指标是( )。

A. 变形模量
B. 压缩模量
C. 弹性模量
D. 压缩系数

下面评价土压缩性大小的指标中不是根据侧限压缩试验获得的是( )。

A. 压缩系数
B. 变形模量
C. 压缩模量
D. 压缩指数

土体具有压缩性的主要原因是( )。

A. 土颗粒被压缩
B. 水被压缩
C. 土颗粒被压碎
D. 土中孔隙的减少

e-p曲线越陡,则( )。

A. 压缩系数越小
B. 压缩模量越大
C. 压缩指数越小
D. e-lgp曲线也越陡
