
In _______, J. W. Trevan devised the LD50 test as a way of standardizing biological therapeutics. In this test, fifty to a hundred animals are dosed with the test substance so that approximately half die within two weeks. From this, a median lethal dose with statistical confidence limits can then be calculated.

A. 1917
B. 1923
C. 1927
D. 1935


If we assume that an animal would prefer situations which are linked to pleasant feelings, and avoid situations arousing negative ones, we can indirectly assess feelings by measuring the ____________ of the animal.

A. foods
B. body weights
C. preferences
D. temperatures

AAALACInternationalisaprivate,nonprofitorganizationthatpromotesthehumanetreatmentof __________ insciencethroughavoluntaryaccreditationprogram,aProgramStatusEvaluationservice,andeducationalprograms.

A. students
B. plants
C. foods
D. animals

Morethan _______ animalcareanduseprogramsin49countrieshaveearnedAAALACInternationalaccreditation,demonstratingtheircommitmenttoresponsibleanimalcareanduse.

A. 500
B. 800
C. 1,000
D. 1,500

Whenanimalsareused,AAALACworkswithinstitutionsandresearcherstoserveasa __________ betweenprogressandanimalwell-being.ThisisdonethroughAAALAC'svoluntaryaccreditationprocessinwhichresearchprogramsdemonstratethattheymeettheminimumstandardsrequiredbylaw,andarealsogoingtheextrasteptoachieveexcellenceinanimalcareanduse.

A. weapon
B. tool
C. bridge
D. gap
