
报关企业及其跨关区分支机构注册登记许可期限均为一年,被许可人需要延续注册登记许可有效期的,应当办理注册登记许可延续手续。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


往返租船也称为来回航次租船,即租船合同规定在完成一个航次任务后接着再装运一个回程货载,有时按来回货物不同分别计算运费。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 安特卫普
B. 横滨
C. 广岛
D. 大阪

听力原文:W Hi, Bob, how's it going? You want the usual?
M Actually, no. I'm in the mood for a large hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream.
W Good heavens, what happened? Our coffee isn't good enough for you anymore?
M It's not that. My 7-year-old niece is coming to visit and I promised her that I knew where to get the best hot chocolate in town. The truth is, I've never even tried your hot chocolate! So make sure it's good!
Which of the following does the man order?

A. Coffee
B. Lemonade
C. Iced tea
D. Hot chocolate

上市公司聘任了董事会秘书就不必再聘任证券事务代表。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
