At the very beginning, what kind of person Mrs. Auld was in my eyes?
A. she was the kindest woman I have ever met.
B. She was the most indifferent woman I have ever met.
Why did Mrs. Auld stop teaching me how to spell word?
A. Because she was busy doing household.
Because her husband forbade her to teach me.
When Mr. Auld forbade my mew mistress to instruct me, how did she react?
A. She hesitated and felt sorry about that.
B. She stopped teaching me and forbade other people to teach me.
Did Mr. and Mrs. Auld successfully stop my learning?
A. Yes
B. No
Based on my master's trying to stop my learning, how did I feel about this?
A. I felt angry about them because the deprived me of learning and frustrated because I couldn't have such precious learning chance.
B. I felt sad because I lost my kind mistress,meanwhile I was glad because I accidentally got instruction from my master.