
In what countries have women made the greatest progress?

A. Where women hold key posts in government.
B. Where womens rights are protected by law.
C. Where womens participation in management is high.
D. Where women enjoy better education and health care.


根据《城乡规划法》的规定,下列关于建设工程规划管理的概念表述不正确的是 ()

A. 需要建设单位编制修建性详细规划的建设项目应提交修建性详细规划,向城市、县人民政府城乡规划主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定的镇人民政府申请办理建设工程规划许可证
B. 建设工程规划管理主要划分为建筑工程(建筑物、构筑物)、道路交通工程、市政管线工程三大类型以及其他工程
C. 市政管线工程系指以新建、扩建、改建的方式所进行的给水排水(雨水、污水)、电力通信、地铁等建设_丁程及其附属设施
D. 建筑工程系指以新建、扩建、改建的方式所进行的各类房屋建设工程,以及房屋建筑附属或单独使用的各类构筑物

In order to select the most favorable 529 plan, youd better compare plans in other states.

What does the author say about the new immigration program?

A. It opens up a legal path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
B. It grants authorized status to the hard-working young immigrants.
C. It endows President Obama with the enforcement priorities right.
D. It focuses on driving out the immigrants with criminal records.


A. 处方有配伍禁忌
B. 前记缺项、重复给药
C. 用量超限、剂型不适宜
D. 开具麻醉药品未执行有关规定
E. 同时开具3种药理作用机制相同的药物
