Branches of the vagus in the neck
A. may slow the heart
B. take part in the swallowing mechanism
C. may be implicated in earache
D. may be implicated in the cough reflex
E. is recurrent laryngeal nerve
A. 甲状旁腺
B. 喉和气管
C. 咽和食管
D. 喉返神经
E. 喉上神经
A. 峡的后方有第2~4气管软骨环
B. 侧叶后外方有颈动脉鞘及鞘内结构和颈交感干
C. 侧叶后内方有喉与气管、咽与食管和喉返神经
D. 其前方为颈阔肌
E. 下极下方有甲状旁腺
A. 颈动脉鞘
B. 颈袢
C. 副神经
D. 颈外静脉
E. 甲状腺上动脉