Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below, change the form where necessary.inevitable, previous, necessity, clue, device1.I'm never going to guess the answer if you don't give me a .2.At present web-based management becomes popular.3.It was an consequence of the decision.4.I was unable to attend because of a engagement.5.Many people cannot even afford basic such as food and clothing.
Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below, change the form where, commit, facility, disturb, distress1.What recreational are now available?2.Jealousy causesand painful emotions.I have never any crime.He's well liked by people in the .5.Did you sleep well? I didn't want to you. You looked so peaceful.
Directions : Gap filling1.explore2.removal 3.export4.import 5.wonder1.We'vecometothiscountry,let's___________!2.They rejected a demand for the ___________of all nuclear weapons.3.HedidthistopromoteAmerican__________.4.We__________rawmaterialsandenergyandexportmainlyindustrialproducts.5.Helikedtositand__________atallthathadhappened
A. 亚当斯
B. 马斯洛
C. 阿尔德佛
D. 弗鲁姆
A. 阻力作用
B. 中介作用
C. 增力作用
D. 缓冲作用