A. 承包人施工的工程质量不合格,但又拒绝返工
B. 承包人和业主发生的合同纠纷无法通过调解解决
C. 由于承包人自身原因使实际施工进度已经滞后于计划进度,承包人拒不执行监理工程师下达的要求承包人采用措施以加快施工进度的指令,导致承包人已无法在合同规定的期限内完工
D. 承包人违反合同规定将工程转包给其他单位
E. 承包人已强制性破产
听力原文:W: Why do you look so happy this morning?
M: I just came from my adviser's officer and found out that I will be given one more year's scholarship.
Q: Why is the man in high spirits?
A. The man doesn't have to pay for the rent.
B. The man just received an "A" on his test.
C. The man's adviser gave him some good advice.
D. He will not worry about his expenses for the following year.
A. 正面倡导
B. 反面讽刺
C. 冷嘲热讽
D. 无可奈何
A. Whereas
B. On the other hand
C. Therefore
D. By the way
A. However
B. Therefore
C. As a result
D. For example