


我们不能指望因特网告诉我们一切。(rely on)

除了打电话外,我们还可以使用电子邮件保持联系。(apart from)

Translate the following passage from Text B into Chinese.Incoming email, if not managed properly, can become a big problem. As users become distracted by some messages, they are more likely to lose track of other more important messages and fall further behind in their work. An inbox full of dozens or hundreds of messages makes the users less and less efficient in other areas of work, spending more and more time “putting out fires” caused by the huge amount of incoming email. The more email piles up, the less useful it is to users or their companies. The only way to enjoy email's benefits is to manage it properly.

Accidents often ________ from carelessness.

A. cause
B. arise
C. lead
D. trust
