
Why does the woman say her husband is fortunate?[A]He often goes to work in afriend's ear. [B]He doesn't need to goshopping by bus. [C]He lives close to the busstation,


The damage ___________by theflood was so large that the buildings cannot be rebuilt in a short time. [A]to becaused [B]causing [C]caused [D]wascaused

What can be a suitabletitle for the text? [A]Kindsof Memories. [B]TheLength of Memories.

What is the relationshipbetween the speakers? [A]Theyare friends. [B]Theyare strangers.

What particularly gives herthe feeling of pride? [A]Helping people through herwork.[B]Reporting interestingstories.[C]Being able to do differentjobs well. [D]Paying through her collegeeducation.
