
It was the middle of the night the sound of the piano woke me up.

A. because
B. if
C. when
D. although


Rose cooks meals at home on Sundays. She never eats her mother comes back and she'd like to enjoy it together.

A. until
B. when
C. after

Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, he is only four years old.

A. if
B. though
C. for
D. since

小王检测出U盘上感染了计算机病毒,为防止该病毒传染计算机系统,正确的措施是( )。

A. 删除该U盘上的所有程序
B. 给该U盘加上写保护
C. 将该U盘放一段时间后再用
D. 将U盘重新格式化

木马与病毒最大的区别是( )。

A. 木马不破坏文件,而病毒会破坏文件
B. 木马无法自我复制,而病毒会自我复制
C. 木马无法使数据丢失,而病毒会使数据丢失
D. 本马不具有潜伏性,而病毒具有潜伏性
