Q3: According to the New York Convention, which of the following are the grounds for non-enforcement could be raised by the parties?( )
A. Incapacity and invalidity
B. Violation of due process
C. Scope of jurisdiction
D. Irregularity in the composition or procedure
Q4: Which of the following are the documents should be supplied by the party when applying for recognition and enforcement?( )
A. The duly authenticated original award or a duly certified copy
B. The original arbitration agreement
C. A translation of arbitral award into foreign language, if necessary
D. The statement of expert witness
A. 油脂性基质是指烃类物质
B. 凡士林基质不常用于制备乳膏剂
C. 凡士林经漂白后可用于眼膏剂基质
D. 液状石蜡具有表面活性及一定的吸水性能
E. 羊毛脂的主要成分是胆固醇的棕榈酸酯及游离的胆固醇和其他脂肪醇
A. 成品中不得检出金黄色葡萄球菌和铜绿假单胞菌
B. 眼膏剂系指药物与适宜基质制成的供眼用的半固体制剂
C. 眼用软膏均匀、细腻,易涂布于眼部,对眼部无刺激
D. 眼膏基质:黄凡土林、液体石蜡、羊毛脂(体积比8:1:1)
E. 用于眼部手术或创伤的眼膏剂应绝对无菌,且不得加抑菌剂或抗氧剂
A. 法规制度安排和相关基础设施安排
B. 法规制度安排
C. 相关基础设施安排
D. 技术安排