
贵宾犬各种体型中哪种未列入国际标准( )。

A. 茶杯型(Tea Cup)
B. 标准型(Standard)
C. 迷你型(Miniature)
D. 玩具型(Toy)


下列哪个犬种被称为日本的国犬( )。

A. 狐狸犬
B. 狆
C. 秋田犬
D. 土佐犬

以下玛尔济斯犬特点中,不正确的是( )。

A. 有底毛(Under coat)
B. 毛色纯白
C. 单一毛质
D. 毛质呈丝状

( ) proposed that learning is insight to the relationship between situation and themselves with avail of intelligence.

A. Bruner
B. Kolher
C. Ausubel
D. Gagne

( ) is the meaningful receptive learning.

A. The scientists discovered a new kind of material.
B. Pupils recite circumference ratio (圆周率) by compiling a ragged verse(打油诗) .
C. Middle school students are attending the lecture, and trying to comprehend the relation between concepts.
D. Children learned to solve maze by trail and error.
