
肾绞痛的具体表现? 掌握 中等


排尿困难的表现有哪些? 掌握 中等

1.Every time when I read the five thousand years old Chinese history, I am moved and _________ by those earthshaking heroes. Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Li Shiming, Zhao Kuangyin…I am also a ______ creature of god, and the end product of thousands of years of evolution. Therefore, I am better ________ in both mind and body than all the emperors and wise men who preceded me.[音频]2.As long as I am crazy, and ______________ the limits, I will have hope. I will never give up a chance of being a hero. Only mediocre people are easily satisfied. I am a mediocre person ____________. Mediocrity is alien to me, just like the fire and water. I will __________ my limits again and again, never allow myself to bring regrets and _______ into my grave.[音频]3.I will never give up a chance of being a hero. Life is only once. Anybody will die no matter what he will do. It may lie in different roads __________ the same ending. While the key to life lies in these different roads, I will walk the journey bravely and rigidly and exert my _________ completely.[音频]4. Great era provides everyone great ______________. My destiny is in my hand. I will try my best to carry forward my life. There is only one self in the world. I will walk only once in this world.[音频]

(FromVOALearningEnglish,thisisthe EconomicsReport.)1.TheSouthAfricanDepartmentofLaborreportedlastmonth thatthenationhastoofewjobsfor____________laborers.The departmentalsosaidtherearenot enoughworkersforhighlyskilled_________.[音频]2.Thesharp____________betweenjobsandskillswere__________ recentlywhenofficialsadvertised a job opening in the government.Thepositionwasthatofauditor-general or chief financialsupervisor. With a 26 percent ______________rate nation-wide, therewasno _____________ interestinthejob.[音频]3.90peopleaskedtobeconsidered.Butofficials said many of them lack the necessaryskillsor education.Theauditor-generalis_______________ supervisingand independentlyexaminingSouth Africa’s finances. The advertisement said,the positionrequiredthepersontobeatrained__________.[音频]4.Itsaid candidates had to have at least a ____________________ and years of experience.Yetamongthejob-hopefuls were__________, a security guard, a secretaryandsomewhosehighesteducationlevelwas highschool.[音频]


A. 在所有的人物中突出正面人物
B. 在正面人物中突出英雄人物
C. 在正面人物中突出偶像人物
D. 在英雄人物中突出主要英雄人物
