Try to translate the following Chinese words or expressions into English. Choose the right answer.7) 工匠精神 ( )
A. environment
B. craftsman spirit
C. architecture
D. Silk Road
Try to translate the following Chinese words or expressions into English. Choose the right answer.8) 丝绸之路 ( )
A. environment
B. craftsman spirit
C. architecture
D. Silk Road
A. 休克
B. 导尿术
C. 腹部检查
D. 肛门检查
E. 全身麻醉未清醒者
A. 局部皮肤颜色及温度
B. 约束带是否结实
C. 体位是否舒适
D. 神志是否清楚
E. 衬垫是否垫好