What will the woman do this evening
A. Say good-bye to her uncle at the airport.
B. Meet her uncle at the airport.
C. Fly to another city together with her uncle.
阅读下列材料: 材料一 只要朝廷不在北京,载垣、肃顺等人继续执政就不能说清政府已经履行了条约。 材料二 英国公使致英国政府的报告说:“为了顺从恭亲王的意思,并证明我们是准备帮他们把皇帝从那群险恶党徒手里解救出来,我和我们的同僚们会注意防止外国人冒犯皇帝一行入京时的行列。” ——以上材料均摘自《英国外交部档案》 材料一中的“条约”是指什么条约是由哪几个国家与清政府订立的
听第7段材料,回答第8~10题。 Why doesn’t the man like French cigarettes
A. He thinks they are too dear.
B. He thinks they have a bad smell.
C. He thinks he is going to like them.
听第6段材料,回答第6~7题 What is the woman’s favorite Chinese food
A. Beans.
Bean curd.
C. Peas.