A. 梅毒
B. 伤寒
C. 鼠咬热
D. 气性坏疽、钩端螺旋体病
E. 钩端螺旋体病
Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car, flying, swallowing
an aspirin tablet or eating a chicken sandwich -- they can all be fatal.
Clearly some risks worth taking, especially when the rewards are 【M1】______.
high: a man surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that
jumping out of a second floor window is an accept risk to save his 【M2】______.
life. But in medicine a few procedures, drugs, operations or tests are
not real a matter of life and death. There may be sound medical 【M3】______.
reason for accepting electrical shock treatment, but such reasons are 【M4】______.
totally dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. 【M5】______.
Surgery for cancer may cure or prolong a life, but the removal of
tonsils (扁桃体) cannot save anything a sore throat. Blood pressure 【M6】______.
drugs definitely help some people live after a heart attack, but these
same drugs may be both unnecessary and harm to those with only 【M7】______.
mild blood pressure problems.
Deciding how much discomfort and risk we are preparing to put up 【M8】______.
with in the name of better health is a high personal matter, not a 【M9】______.
decision we should remain to doctors alone. 【M10】______.
A. 贷款用于所购房装修的,应按《装修合同》约定,将贷款直接划入施工方账户
B. 贷款用于购置家具家电的,原则上应将贷款划入供货商账户
C. 借款人利用信用卡透支方式先期支付装修款或家具家电购置款的,在查明并留存消费凭证或供货商发票的基础上,亦可将贷款资金直接用于信用卡还款
D. 贷款可发放至借款人开立的银行卡
涛涛在我眼里是个什么都要慢半拍的"低能儿"。他对事物的反应能力有时可以用"太差了"来形容。经常瞪着大眼睛,呆呆地想事情,我叫他名字三四次,他都没有反应。有时小朋友都去洗手了,他还愣在座位上不知在想什么,等小朋友一个一个都洗好了手,他却突然蹦到我面前,高喊:"老师,我还没洗手呢!"我不喜欢涛涛,说实在的他挺烦人的。然而,有件事却改变了我对他的看法。一天上常识课时,我无意中提了这么一个问题:"哈哈镜里的人为什么会变高?"这个问题对于6岁的孩子来说,是难度很大的,班上别的小朋友都只有瞎猜。不料涛涛却认真地说起来:"老师,镜子不平呀!"我很吃惊,我怀疑他曾经听说过其中的道理,便问:"你怎么知道的?""我是想出来的。"涛涛回答说。我望着涛涛的小脸,突然有些惭愧。 请运用所学教育理论分析在此案例中教师的教育观和教育策略,对你有什么启示?