某项经济业务的会计分录为: 借:原材料36 000 贷:银行存款28 800 应付账款7 200 该分录表示的经济业务是()。
A. 购进原材料36 000元,款未付
B. 销售原材料36 000元,银行收到货款28 800元,尚有7 200元未收
C. 购进原材料36 000元,用银行存款支付80%的价款,其余暂欠
D. 销售原材料36 000元,存人银行28 800元,余款未收
A. 显性课程
B. 隐性课程
C. 活动课程
D. 经验课程
A. 债权结算账户
B. 集合分配账户
C. 虚账户
D. 备抵附加账户
Which of the following is NOT a symptom left by strokes?
A. Habitual sleeplessness
B. Losing the function of one or more extremities.
C. Speaking unclearly.
D. Serious disabilities such as facial paralysis.
Paragraph 4______________
A. What medications treat alcoholism?
B. What are drinking problems?
Can alcoholism be cured?
Does alcoholism treatment work?
E. What iS alcoholism?
F. Can alcoholism be treated?