A. 要认定抵押的有效性
B. 应当及时通知抵押权人
C. 能解除抵押合同的,补偿款付给被拆迁人.付款前不必经抵押权人认可
D. 不能解除抵押关系的,按照法律规定的清偿顺序进行清偿,不足清偿抵押权人的,抵押权人按照《担保法》及有关法律规定,向抵押人进行追偿
When the Vessel is at the place of delivery and in every respect physically ready for delivery in accordance with this Agreement,the Sellers shall give the Buyers a written()for delivery.
A. information of the of the vessel
B. Notice of Readiness
C. Declaration of the Condition of the Vessel
Declaration of DWT or Net DWT
A. 每月月末最后一日
B. 每季末月20日
C. 每年6月20日
D. 每年6月30日
Scale accumulation on evaporator heat exchange surfaces ().
A. increases brine density
B. increases distillate salinity
C. reduces metal corrosion
D. reduces heat transfer
A. 老子时代
B. 孔子时代
C. 孟子、庄周时
D. 代以上答案都错误