

A. 希望工程
B. 小桔灯项目
C. 母亲水窖工程
D. 青少年书库行动



You upgraded your database from pre-12c to a multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDBs). Examine the query and its output: Which two tasks must you perform to add users with SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, and SYSKM privilege to the password file?()

Assign the appropriate operating system groups to SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSK
B. Grant SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, and SYSKM privileges to the intended users.
C. Re-create the password file with SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, and SYSKM privilege and the FORCE argument set to No.
D. Re-create the password file with SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, and SYSKM privilege, and FORCE arguments set to Yes.
E. Re-create the password file in the Oracle Database 12c format.


A. 公法和私法
B. 联邦法和联邦成员法
C. 制定法和判例法
D. 普通法和衡平法

This is the problem()we have no good solution as yet.

A. to that
B. which
C. for which
D. to which
