A. 先天性马蹄内翻足
B. 小儿麻痹后遗症
C. 脑炎后遗症
D. 脊神经病变
E. 脊髓损伤
A. 胎盘早剥
B. 羊水栓塞
C. 子痫
D. 子宫破裂
E. 哮喘发作
When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate, the new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of () for a period not exceeding five years.
A. beginningoftherenewalverification
B. completionoftherenewalverification
C. beginningofscheduleddrydocking
D. completionofscheduleddrydocking